Csapatunk nem panaszkodhat, 2010 nyara egyértelműen az eddigi legütősebb nyár volt számunkra: folyamatos teltházak az A38 teraszon, őrületes bulik reggelig a Normafán, rengeteg ember a Coke Clubos Casinokon, óriási győzelem a Több Technót a Parlamentbe! szavazáson, Balaton Sound nagyszínpad, Sziget, Ozora, Alkotótábor...
Az ősz beálltával elsőként egy régóta várt előadót látunk vendégül, a németalföldi Jeroen Verheij-t, akiről Secret Cinema néven fognak írni a jövő gépzenei történelemkönyvei.
Jeroen Verheij aka Secret Cinema started producing as Meng Syndicate in 1990. His first record 'Sonar System' came out on the Hithouse label in Belgium (ARS) and was an instant rave classic. In 1993 Michel de Hey recognized Jeroen's excellent producing skills and convinced him to release his music on Michel’s Immaculate Music record labels. A string of tracks that shattered dance floors and charts followed under many aliases like Grooveyard, Point Blank and his most powerful identity: Secret Cinema.
Jeroen Verheij 1990-ben kezdett zenekészítéssel foglalkozni, akkor még Meng Syndicate néven. Első megjelenése a Meng's Theme felkerült a Vintage R&S válogatásalbumra olyan legendás nevek mellett, mint a Model 500, Aphex Twin, Kenny Larkin vagy Joey Beltram. Az elkövetkező években Jeroen Hollandia legfelkapottabb producereinek egyikévé nőtte ki magát. Elismeréssel nyilatkozik munkásságáról Joris Voorn, Michel De Hey és Ferry Corsten is.
Több névváltoztatás és még több megjelenés után 2000-ben készítette el első szerzői albumát, mely White Men Can't Funk néven látott napvilágot. Ezt később még két album követte, a Revenge of a Nerd és a Skunk & Espresso. Az albumok sikere kapcsán hamarosan Hollandián kívül is egyre többen figyeltek fel rá és számos nagy fesztivál állandó vendégévé vált. 2009-ben abban a megtiszteltetésben részesült, hogy az Awakenings fesztivál zárófellépője lehetett, olyan neveket követve ezzel, mint Richie Hawtin, Dave Clark vagy Adam Beyer.
A warmup-felelősök a már jól ismert NVC dj-k lesznek, illetve a nyári normafás bulikon többször meglepetést (értsd: óriásbulit) okozó Palotai - Ioda kombó is újra megmutatja majd, hogy ki hogyan merre-meddig.
Line up: SECRET CINEMA (Gem Records, Cocoon Recordings) Palotai + Ioda (Rewind, NVC) Dr Zoidberg + Sinko (NVC) Subotage (NVC) Vetítés: Exlex + Illuvision
Belépő: Éjfél előtt: 2000 Ft Éjfél után: 2500 Ft
Helyszín: Merlin (Gerlóczy utca 4.)
Ilyen, amikor Palotait és az NVC dj-ket összeeresztik:
Palotai + Subotage + Ioda @ Studio 4 2010-09-11
[soundcloud url="" params="show_comments=false&auto_play=false&color=af1f00" width="80%" height="81" ]
Secret Cinema videók:
The first hit came within a year of signing with Immaculate Music in 1994 on Brave New World Records: The melodic rave anthem Meng’s Theme. In later years it made its way on to the ‘Vintage R&S’ compilation alongside such legends as Model 500 (Juan Atkins), Aphex Twin, Kenny Larkin and Joey Beltram. At this point Secret Cinema was born to vent Jeroen’s more refined side as a producer. The first track he released under this alias was his second international hit for ’94, Timeless Altitude. It sold over 20.000 copies within six months and proved to be more timeless than anyone had expected at the time. It can be a challenge to follow up a success of this magnitude so Verheij came up with yet another identity: Grooveyard - Watch me now was the result. This energetic break beat driven track also made its way into musical history, sold ten thousands of copies and was licensed to dozens of compilations in ‘95. By now Verheij had become one of Holland’s most respected producers and started playing mainstage gigs for festivals like Mysteryland and Dance Valley. The follow-up of Watch me Now was Mary Go Wild which went on to top Dutch and Belgian charts and won Jeroen Update Awards for Best Dutch Producer and Best Dutch Single in ’97. His next Secret Cinema release ‘Masculinity’ was also rewarded with two awards in ’98. 2000 saw the production of another massive Grooveyard hit in collaboration with Michel de Hey; ‘Compound’, which sold ten thousands of copies as well and is still a popular track for many DJ’s.
In 2000 Verheij went on to reinvent his Secret Cinema liveset. A year later his first album was released; ‘White Men Can’t Funk’. A string of techno classics like Volt, Saccades and Another Sweater followed and the albums Revenge of a Nerd and Skunk & Espresso were released. The techno scene was booming at the time and Secret Cinema headlined many festivals around the globe including most major Dutch festivals and events. One of the highlights was the closing set at the main stage of Awakenings Festival. An honor that only Jeroen Verheij, Richie Hawtin, Adam Beyer and Dave Clarke have had.
During 2008 the ever versatile Verheij broadened his horizon and hosted eleven Secret Cinema Invites events throughout the Netherlands. Many sold out, some were truly legendary like the Beach edition in Scheveningen that left the crowd screaming for more after over twelve hours of dance floor madness. 2009 will be the year in which the Secret Cinema Sound label is launched. Promising artists like Peter Horrevorts and Egbert have been signed. Next to the label the early work of Verheij will be digitally available. 2010, Jeroen’s 20th year in the music business, promises to be his finest yet!
Line up:
SECRET CINEMA (Gem Records, Cocoon Recordings)
Palotai + Ioda (Rewind, NVC)
Dr Zoidberg + Sinko (NVC)
Subotage (NVC)
Visual: Exlex + Illuvision
Before Midnight: 2000 Ft
After Midnight: 2500 Ft
Location: Merlin (4 Gerlocy str Budapest)